Sunday, September 6, 2009


Welcome to the the Revelation Discussion Board, created for those following along with the teaching to post thoughts and questions. We welcome your participation and look forward to hearing from you.


Lightedstar said...

I've always heard people say that Revelation is scary - all gloom and doom. This is my first time hearing about it in context of blessings and victory. I have read this book a couple of times and I think it is very enlightening. I'm interested in hearing other perspectives on this book and the teaching by Dr. Goudeaux.

Unknown said...

I have enjoyed this study on Revelation. It reminds me of my foundational pastor teaching out of Revelation when I was growing up. As a child just getting save, it was quite informative and gave me a deeper love relationship with the Lord. Pastor Phillip Goudeaux, Sr. reminds me of how he taught us the word of truth without any compromising. He is an awesome teacher and helps us to grow in the knowledge of God's word. Listening to this teaching on Revelation has opened my eyes more to the absolute truth of knowing all about what is going on in today's churches. It behooves us as students of the word to take heed because we do not want to be found in the church and be lost.... My deepest desire is to obey God's word at all times. My desire is to truly repent when I need to and turn from anything that would hinder my growth in Christ Jesus. When the word finds me, I want to be found doing it at all cost.

Bobbie Jean Clow
Calvary Christian Center North
Sacramento, CA

Lightedstar said...

Wow, Bobbie,

That was powerful. How true. There is nothing new under the sun. What John carried back to those seven churches is still true today.

sunshine7 said...

I am enjoying the teaching on The Book of Reveletion by our Pastor. I am seeing that there can be blessings and not all gloom and the unknown hidden things. Pastor thank you for the clear teaching that can be understood by all.